IKEA Kids Craft Table (Painted, of Course)


Little N plays by herself for about 3 minutes a day. If I’m lucky. And that’s with a lot of encouragement. She likes me to be around so she can tell me that her purple skirt matches her purple ball, or tell me how there’s a speck of dirt on the ground and she’s not sure if she should eat it or put it in the garbage (I’m not sure why she insists on asking me because if I say no, don’t eat it, she will quickly put it in her mouth before I can snatch it away from her).

Which is completely fine. Most days.

Unless I’m about to go insane from hearing ‘mum’ 18 times a minute, or if I need to get a meal ready, or put the baby to bed, or brush my teeth.

So a little toddler area where she can be crafty and colour and whatnot was really needed for our house!


This one is from Ikea – and naturally, I had to paint something on it. Which was a little gold chevron pattern on the chairs.


And I hung some flower pot holders on the wall (kitchen section of Ikea) to hold her markers and crayons. I plan to add one more white pot for her paints or odds and ends lying around.


After having this table for a few weeks, this is the consensus:

  • At first, Little N refused to sit on the painted chair. She wanted to take the paint off. Took her a few days to get over it.
  • I realized that toddlers look extremely ADORABLE when they sit in those little toddler size chairs and table.
  • She coloured by herself twice, maybe three times, since we set it up. So that’s a partial win in my books

I plan to get a few more crafty supplies for her to explore with. Let me know your ideas for what other supplies I should add to her little area!

Best of WorstMummaknows Hey, Momma!

a mom blog community!

31 thoughts on “IKEA Kids Craft Table (Painted, of Course)

  1. Pingback: #FamJamLinky | Link Up Your Family Posts #3 | Mummaknows

    • I’d love to have some storage next to the table too for her supplies. But isn’t really working out in that room! (love Ikea as well…can’t remember the last time I went anywhere else for furniture)


  2. Looks fab! What kind of paint did you use for the chair? My kids love having loads of coloring pages and are big fans of drawing. We just got some watercolor pencils out of Ikea which are cool as they can just draw or use a paint brush with water to make their drawings fancier. Thanks for the ideas 🙂 #famjamlinky

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh I haven’t seen those yet (the watercolours). I’ll check them out. The chair is a gold paint, kind of sparkly. I think it’s the Martha Stewart brand with a chevron stencil. Thanks for reading!


  3. The whole corner is absolutely adorable, perhaps you could make one for me! LOL! Love the chevron on the chairs, and the pots full of supplies. Soon she’ll be sitting there, it may take a bit of time, but you did a great job!!! Love it.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Christmas Crafts for Toddler in September | Mummaknows

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