6 Simple Toddler Breakfast Meal Ideas


My little girl ‘N’ is not a picky eater, and most days, she could probably eat me under the table. No joke. I’ve put together some of her favourite breakfast meals below.

Most of the food items are cut fairly big (ie. a whole banana) because she prefers it that way.

In fact, almost everyday she sits in her seat at the table and yells over at me, “Mom, don’t cut it cause I want to bite it” in her cute little 2 and a half year old way.

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Mushroom Chicken (hidden veggies for picky toddlers!)


Since becoming a mom of two, I almost never feel like cooking. And I certainly never feel like planning out meals. Who am I kidding…that sentiment was felt long before kids!

It is always this endless dilemma of deciding what we will have for dinner. Why must I always be the one to have to decide this? My husband will ask: “so, what are we going to make for dinner,” as if the ‘we’ means that he will have some hand in what dinner will be and how it will be made.

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