Summer Salad with Quinoa

summer salad

I decided to revamp My Everyday Lunch a wee bit with all the new summer fruits available now. It’s good to change it up a little anyways so I don’t get bored of the eats.

This one still involves protein, the sweet & salty factor, and a lot of the fresh factor! And, it’s even easier to prepare since it’s a one bowl meal. (plus I love this yellow summer-ish bowl!)
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My everyday lunch: quick salad that satisfies all your foodie cravings

Looking back when I had only one kid to look after, I really felt like I was so busy and had no time. But I realize now with two that I realllyyyy have no time.

And I’m always hungry. The breastfeeding hunger pains I call ’em (still breastfeeding my 3 month old). So, I’ve started making an everyday-lunch that satisfies all my cravings (salty, sweet, tangy).


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