Before & After: Antique Silverware Holder

This piece of furniture is probably 30+ years old. It was my great uncle’s. And it’s meant to hold silverware! That’s it. Just silverware. For all of us who have 20lbs of silver cutlery lying around, it’s perfect. Not a useless piece of furniture at all. I’ve never seen anything like it.

Naturally, I had to paint it. It was a kind of reddish wood colour that matched absolutely nothing in my house before. My plan was to go with an all-over medium grey paint colour in a shiny finish. When I went to Home Depot to pick up some grey paint, this was the colour they gave me. Not so much grey so I’m kind of perplexed. But I’m still into it. It actually looks like an antique white so it really suits the piece.

And, since I love ‘before and after’ photos (when I actually remember to take a before photo), here they are:

BEfore   After

After a few weeks (months) of it lying around in our home office (aka my craft room), I was really proud to finally have it completed! Then my husband almost ruins my glory by asking: so what are you going to use it for? That is besides the point, hunny… I don’t have a plan yet. I don’t know where to put it or what I should store inside it. But look how pretty it is!

Minor details.

I do actually have the real silver cutlery that came with it. They are tucked away in some box never to be seen again. What would I use silver cutlery for?




Lastly, I had to show this cool suitcase that my Dad brought over. I couldn’t let him throw it out. It looks like it was born in the 80’s. What should I do with it other than take some pretty rad photos with it as a prop? Like this.

Linked to: ViewFromInHere

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21 thoughts on “Before & After: Antique Silverware Holder

  1. I love it! The change is huge! I love the colo, the hardware and the stained tops. Great job! Tell your hubby that it’s cute, that’s it’s purpose and that’s enough!

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  2. Pingback: #FamJamLinky | Link Up Your Family Posts #5 | Mummaknows

  3. I love DIY crafts. I have an antique dresser in my garage right now that has been waiting for years for me to get to giving it a face lift. I always have great intentions but never quite get them done. Love the briefcase too and you are right…it could make a great prop! Thank you for linking with #momsterslink. So sorry that my comment is so late as I am just running behind in life right now lol. Hope to see you again today!

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  4. Pingback: Where’s the #famjamlinky This Week? | Mummaknows

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